I said that children suffer from more anxiety and perform poorly at school

I said that children suffer from more anxiety and perform poorly at school

Francesco SanchezSecretary of Worship of the Government of Javier Mileihe relaunched the point of the controversy that sparked his speech at the Vox conference “Europa Viva 24”, where he raised a strong issue on the laws on divorce, equal marriage and legal abortion.

Este miércoles, the national official underlined his criticisms of the Ley de Divorcio Sanctioned during the government of Raúl Alfonsín and alluded to a study carried out by the University of Buenos Aires on the impact on the children of separated couples.

“The UBA has a fairly serious and competent study which indicates that it is looking for it 30% of children from separated families suffer from anxiety disorders and perform 25% lower. al que tener hijos con familias consolidatetas”, expressed in the dialogue with radio Mitre.

He also spoke about other comments regarding children of separated families such as “social conflict” and the increase in divorce cases.

However, I maintain that Argentine society needs dialogue and “respect for freedom of conscience, opinion and worship”.

Sánchez said divorce, marriage equality and abortion laws were “controversial” and defended the right to express oneself freely.

Francisco Sánchez attended the Vox conference, which the president will attend in the morning.

“In Argentina there is full freedom of worship and there is the risk that the sects are conservative of what is part of its traditions, its dogmas, and that we are not aware of these violent changes that progressivism wants us to accept as natural things”, he manifested.

The secretary of the sect also wanted to refer to the Ley de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo, sanctioned during the government of Alberto Fernández. “Please do everything possible to ensure that the breeding of creatures intended for maternal life is not promoted by the Argentine state“, sentence.

In this line, I had to embody a test in Argentina to be able to grant March atrás a safe, legal and free abortion in our country and thus -según dijo- put them up to the consequences that this will draw, such as the impact on the rate of birth rate, which guarantees them to be on the same level as South Korea or Spain, countries that “have been tragically plundered”.

“No we must simply think about derogating abortion, yes don’t think about it medicines that favored birth in Argentina so that the demographic issue is a strategic example for the country”, he concluded.

Guillermo Francos: “None of these positions represent me”

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, was one of the few members of the National Cabinet to take a position on the controversies declared by the secretario de Culto.

“It is a position of a very dependent man who will direct you to the Catholic Church, in a somewhat traditional conception. I am not aware of any of these positions,” he stated in the dialogue with Cenital.

The national official indicated that it is a “defense of values”, but I maintained that in the space of Libertad Avanza everyone can judge what they feel.

“For an official in this space to express himself in a certain way on abortion, or on equal marriage, does not want to decide who represents me,” he said.